Friday, October 4, 2013

Brief life update in pictures

School is in full swing. I am taking 11 credits and have two hard classes (Financial Accounting & Business Computer Applications) and two easy classes (Communications & Book of Mormon 2) School is hard but I love LDS Business College. I feel very lucky and fortunate to be there. 
Welcome to my morning commute. See the cones and arrow sign pointing traffic to merge over? I will be happy when construction is complete. When I pulled my phone out traffic was at a stand still so don't judge! And yes it is dark. My mornings start EARLY. Too early some days.
What filing can do to my work desk if I am not careful. Doesn't the cereal add a nice touch? I don't even really like Cheerios, I was just starving. I need to get better at packing lunches and stuff;)
More filing. I had to take a picture after Christine walked in and said 'are you seriously throwing them on the chair?' Maybe you had to be there but it was hilarious.
September 11th and the first day of school brought donating plasma for the first time. I don't love it, I don't hate it, but the money is nice. Okay the money is awesome. I donated twice before being temporarily banned from donating until my protein levels are better aka I am not dehydrated. Bummer! I need to get on that.
I rarely babysit anymore but I got to play with Henrick and Lemma while Amy and Tokie were over last week to visit teach Ginger. And yes I did get new glasses. Two pairs actually. These are my favorite and I LOVE them! 
Kendra is getting so big and walking everywhere. We both were having camera issues this day. 
September 22nd brought the 3 year anniversary of my mom's death. Time goes by so fast.