Friday, October 19, 2012

Green hair aftermath

I loved having neon green hair for the evening. Even if it did stink and I got high off the smell. I was a little sad to wash it out. It made my hair so stiff that I couldn't get my hairband out at first. That would have been a fun text to Julie.  

In the shower I washed my hair three times and yet not all of the green came out! Good thing I have the weekend to de-green before I go back to work on monday.

Our drain in the bathtub isn't working right so when anyone showers the water fills up the tub instead of draining normally. This is what the water looked like after my shower.

Ward Carnival

This year the 15th ward did a halloween carnival for the first time ever. I was really looking forward to it and even skipped my math class so I could go. We were encouraged to wear costumes so I went as an MSU Spartan. It was an easy costume for the poor college student. Julie painted my face and sprayed my hair green. The carnival did not disappoint with chili, hotdogs, homemade rootbeer, snocones, cotton candy, and tons of candy. There were games and trick er treating. It was a great start to the weekend after a stressful week with work and starting my writing class. My ward is great and knows how to have a good time.  

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Conference weekend

I am so behind on my blog- one of these times I will catch up.
Andrea came down from Idaho on Thursday for the weekend! When she was here a month ago I found out that she really wanted to attend a conference session live. I had never been either and so.... I pulled a few strings and got four tickets for the sunday morning session!
Although the main purpose of the visit was conference we did manage to have some fun. We ate out twice (cafe rio & winger's), carved pumpkins, ate treats, went for walks (it has been a lot cooler and fall is definitly in the air, I love it!), stayed up late, and so on.    
When the boys are gone the girl's will play! During priesthood session we got take out and carved pumpkins. Ashley really loves wings!  
Sunday morning Andrea, Ashley, Becca, and I went to Conference! It was amazing. I think my favorite part was standing up while the General Authorities filed in. I love the spirit that these men bring with them. Andrea was really excited that Elder Holland spoke. The only downfall to being there- I had to use the restroom 4 times in 2 hours! Seriously. I probably shouldn't have had that mug of apple cider before going. I wish I could have gotten a picture outside the conference center but we didn't have the camera. Oh well.
The weekend was awesome. Tiring though- I fell asleep in the middle of the day both saturday and sunday. That never happens.
Now the girls are gone. Back to real life. :)  

Friday, September 21, 2012

Need I say more? I love summer evenings. 

Friday, August 10, 2012

Parade Palooza

I am not a big fan of parades. I had never been in one either. When Julie asked if I would be in the Centerville Parade for the Davis Clipper I said sure, mainly because I wanted the lime green t-shirt! Over the course of two weeks in July I ended up being in three parades. You never know what will happen when your good friends with your District Manager! It was hot. It was fun. It was slightly embarrassing. But I'm glad I did it. I actually got a free Lagoon day pass for being in the parade. That made it all worth it. One thing is for sure though-- I will never forget the summer of 2012.   




Monday, July 30, 2012

I've been accepted

To Salt Lake Community College starting August 22nd. Less than a month away! I'm super excited and nervous at the same time. I am so ready to go to school but a lot of worries are crossing my mind at this time. What if something goes wrong with registering? Is there enough time to complete everything? I cannot believe I am about to enter into the college world and begin this next step in my life. Here goes... no turning back now!  

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

It's a snail party

Last Thursday (July 5th) we had a nice rainstorm. With all the fires we have been having it was much needed not to mention it has been ridiculously hot. In the morning when I was doing my paper route it was only sprinkling a bit and throwing papers in the cool weather was a nice change. I was at Julie's house later in the day and we decided to step out onto her porch. That quickly turned into going on a snail hunt and collecting our findings in a green plastic bucket. We found 40 snails. After our search we lined them up for a photo shoot and then took pleasure in killing them by salt and stamping on em. The kids were pretty grossed out by them (as was I) but at least I would touch them!

Cooper, Maggie, Heidi, Savannah, Maddux

After our fun adventure we went in and got cleaned up. Cooper took a foot bath (this kid cracks me up) and it was hot in the house so Julie opened a window. A few minutes later we both made the comment that something stinks. The smell of the snail remains was coming in through the window! Needless to say, the window was quickly shut. Can you see why I love hanging out with the Winegar's? You never know what kind of fun we will have.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Paper Route

On June 14th I got a job working as a carrier for the Davis County Clipper. My friend Julie is a District Manager and she's the one who introduced me to the paper route world. I deliver about 34 papers each Thursday except for the last Thursday of the month when I have extras and deliver close to 100. Sometimes I help Julie deliver papers for other routes or drive her car while she does spot checks. I enjoy it although I get paid next to nothing (.05 a paper). It's mainly just a hobby for me. I hope to still keep it once I get another job. I like the extra cash.

Julie and I delivering 200 papers in Farmington!

A Perfect Day

Saturday, July 7th was a perfect day in my book.

At 10:00 a.m. I met Stephanee at her apartment in Kaysville. She moved there from Bountiful in May and I had yet to see her new place. After getting a tour of her place we took about a 20 minute walk to a nearby pond to feed some ducks. We each had our own bag of hamburger buns and were surprised to find that several of the ducks were not in the water and they got somewhat aggressive wanting our bread. I'm surprised one of us didn't get bit on the ankle. Feeding ducks that were actually in the water was more enjoyable and not as nerve wracking. Towards the end we started chucking whole buns into the water instead of pieces. We got a kick out of watching ducks fight over the huge pieces.

We had lunch at Subway then headed over to Layton Surf N Swim to spend a few hours at the pool. Steph had never been and it had been about 10 years since my last visit. We had a good time but I do have to admit that I didn't get as big of a thrill from riding the waves as I did when I was younger. It was a very hot day and after a few hours both Steph and I were tired and not to mention that the pool was getting quite a bit crowded. We decided to leave and go back to her apartment.

Can you tell I was happy to be there?

We got changed back into our regular clothes and then watched the movie Enchanted. It felt good to be inside and relax watching a movie after being out in the sun. When the movie ended around 5:00 I left because I had to babysit at 7:00 and I needed to shower and have dinner before. Right before I got in the shower I realized how badly I got sunburnt. I've been burned worse but it made me think how bad would I be burned if I hadn't worn sunscreen?

I watched the Winegar kids from 7:00-10:00 while Julie and Spencer went to a movie. I always enjoy my time with them. It was a simply perfect day.